It is not necessary to call your child off of school. When your child is absent from school, it is necessary to send in a written excuse with them on the day that they return. Please be sure to include the following:
Child's first and last name and six-digit ID number
Grade and Teacher Name
Dates child was absent
Reason for absence
Parent signature
If your child is out sick, it is preferable to receive a doctor's excuse so the absence can be marked as such. Any absence that is three days or longer requires a doctor's excuse. If your child will be out for an extended period of time (serious illness, surgery, etc.,) please inform the school so that arrangements can be made regarding school work.
Your child is considered late for school if they are not in their classroom by 9:00 AM. If your child is not riding the bus, they should be dropped off no later than 8:55 AM in order to get to class on time. If your child arrives at or after 9:00 AM, they are to come to the office with a note indicating the reason for being late. Students will be marked Tardy up until 10:30 AM. After 10:30 AM, they will be considered a half or full-day absence depending on the time the child arrives.
Leaving Early
Although discouraged, we understand that a child may need to leave school early for a doctor, dentist, therapy, etc. appointments, activities, etc. If your child will need to leave early, please send a note to the school the day of the early dismissal with the following information:
Child's first and last name plus six-digit ID number
Grade and Teacher Name
Time the child will be leaving
Reason for leaving early
Parent signature
A child leaving 1:45 PM or later will be marked as an Early Dismissal. If a child leaves prior to 1:45 PM, it is considered a half or whole day absent depending on the time the child leaves.
Trip Requests
While we do not encourage taking trips during the school year, we realize that it is sometimes unavoidable. If your child(ren) will be absent from school for more than two days due to travel, you must fill out a Trip Request Form at least two weeks before the date of departure. This form can be obtained in the office or downloaded by clicking the link above. The form must be submitted at least one week in advance. After completing the form, have your child give it to their homeroom teacher. The teacher will sign the form and submit it to the principal for approval.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures
We prefer students ride the bus, if possible. This will always allow your child to be on time. If you are dropping off your student in the morning, please get in the parent drop-off line and pull up along the sidewalk by the kindergarten entrance as far up to the stop sign as possible, and have your child exit your vehicle on the sidewalk side. Once all the buses have left, you may be directed to pull to the front of the building to allow your child to exit. You are permitted to do this only if you are directed by a staff member to do so.
All children should exit from the passenger side/curbside of the vehicle. Your child should be able to unbuckle and get out of your vehicle unassisted in order to keep the flow of traffic moving. If your child is unable to do this, please park at the far end of the building and walk your child to the main entrance to enter the building. Please see the information regarding Tardy students.
Dismissal Procedures
Again, we prefer students ride the bus, if possible. If that is not an option, we have several dismissal areas at Foot of Ten as follows. If you currently participate in one of the first two options, you will be contacted prior to school starting to see if you wish to continue with that option.
Permanent Parent Pick-Up (PPP) - Students may be assigned to this area if they are going to be picked up every single day during the school year. There is a waiting list for this area and it is on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are interested in this option, please contact the main office.
Basketball Court Pick-Up Area (BBC) - Students are assigned to this area if parents pick up every day (and are on the PPP waiting list) or pick up one or more days every week. If you are interested in this option, please contact the main office.
Main Entrance Pick-Up - This option is for parents who pick up occasionally. You will park in the far parking lot by the basketball court, walk up to the main entrance, and sign your student out. Your child will then be called down.
We start dismissing students to these areas at 3:10 PM. You must pick up your student NO LATER than 3:25 PM.
Half-Day of School or Early Dismissal Pick-Up Times
Whenever the district has a half-day or early dismissal scheduled, please know the dismissal time is always when the buses leave the school. Therefore, parent pick-up is always 20 minutes earlier than the dismissal time noted. This goes for Emergency Dismissals also.
Visitor Procedures/LobbyGuard
Upon entering the building, please use the LobbyGuard system. You will need to have your driver's license with you to use the system. The monitor works as a touch screen.
Screen 1) Press the “start” button.
Screen 2) Select one of the options (visitor, pickup, outside agency, drop off, or volunteer).
Screen 3) Agree to our volunteer confidentiality agreement.
Screen 4) Touch the green button to take a current picture.
Screen 5) Scan your driver’s license. The scanner is located under the left corner of the monitor. Simply scan the bar located on the back of your license by lining it up with the red +.
Screen 6) The final step in the process is to obtain your badge. You must then press the button on the wall to be buzzed into the office.